Asked about the Procedure of Siva Puja, Mahaakaal explained to Karandhama that after taking bath early morning and wearing white ‘dhoty’and ‘uttareeya’ robes, Tripundra vibhudhi (three lined ash) on the forehead, chest and shoulders and with sincerity and resolve to perform the worship, a devotee should keep a clean vessel with pure water and fill up atleast four smaller vessels with milk, curd, ghee and honey and settle down along with other Puja material like flowers, fruits, Kumkum / Sindur, turmeric powder, coconuts, ‘Akshatas’(rice grains mixed with turmeric powder), Bilwa leaves, Sandal paste, Agar for Dhup, camphor for Deepa etc. kept on Siva Linga’s left. The worship commences with Mantras addressing the very first Deity Ganesha with ‘Om Gam Ganesaya namah’ followed by two others, with Om Kshey Kshetra Palaaya namah, and Om Gum Gurubhyo namah and dedicates the Puja material to ‘Akash’ (Sky). Later on, he worships in the following order directed towards to four directions viz. Kula Devatha, Nandi, Mahaakaal, and Dhatha- Vidhata with the mantras: Om Kum Kula Devathaya namah, Om nam Nandiney namah, Om Mahaakaalaya namah and Om Dhaam Dhaatrey Vidhaatrey namah. Thereafter the devotee should sit to the left of Siva Linga facing ‘uttarabhimukha’ and perform Dhyan or imagine a lotus of Surya mandal, its central portion as Chandra mandal, the central portion of the Chandra mandal as Agni mandal and the further central portion as Bhagavan Siva surrounded by His ‘Vama’, ‘Jyeshtha’ and other Shaktis; Siva having Five Faces, ten hands, each face possessing three eyes and each head decorated with Chandra, His left lap seated by Devi Uma and Siddhaganas reciting Hymns of His Glories. After Dhyan, service to Maha Deva commences with ‘Padya’ (washing His feet with water) and ‘Arghya’comprising nine inputs viz. Jal (water), Akshath, Kusha grass roots, Chandan, Pushpa, mustard, milk, curd and honey, each material to be given to Bhagavan, smear the mix on His Mastak (Top) and after Abhishek (Snaan / bathing), show Dhup (Agar smoke) by reciting the ‘Shodasha -akshara’ Moola Mantra viz. Om Hum Vishva Murthaye Sivaaya namah. The Snaan with the mix of the above nine materials should be done again and again and later apply Chandan paste to appease the Linga as also perform puja with flowers and bilwa leaves on and around the ‘Adhaara Peetha’ or the base structure of the Linga on the Agneya side by reciting: Om Dharmaya namah; on the Nairutya side by reciting Om Jnanayaa namah; on the Vayavya side by reciting Om Vairagyaya namah; on the Eshaanya side by reciting Om Ishvarvyaya namah; on the Eastern side by reciting Om Adharmaya namah; on Southern side by reciting Om Ajnaanaya namah; on the Western side by reciting Om Avairaagyaaya namah; and on the Northern side by reciting Om Anaiswaryaya namah.
Thus worshipping Vairagya and ‘Anant’ features be worshipped on the Lotus-ear ends as follows:
Om Anantaya namah;
Om Padmaaya namah;
Om Arka mandalaaya namah;
Om Soma mandalaya namah;
Om Vahni mandalaya namah;
Om Vaama Jyeshthaadi Panchamantra Shaktiyobhye namah;
Om Parama Prakrutyai Devyai namah.
Then follows the Puja of Eshaana, Tat Purusha, Aghora, Vama Deva and Sadyojaatha-the Pancha Mukhas or Five Faces of Maha Deva; Rudra, Sadhya,Vasu, Aditya and Vishva Deva and other Deva Swarupas; Andaja, Svedaja, Udbhuja and Jaraayuja ‘Sthavara-Jangama Murthi Parameswara and Vishva murthi Siva by the folowing Mantra:
Om EshaanaTatpurushaaghora Vaama deva Sayojaatha Panchavaktraaya Rudra Saadhya Vasuvaaditya Vishvadevaadi Deva Rupaandaja Svyedajodbhuja Jvaraayujarupasthavara Jangamamurthaye Parameswaraya Om Hum Vishva murthaye Sivaayanamah/
The worship would continue to ‘Trisula’ and other arms of Siva by reciting: Trisula Dhanuh Khadga Kapaala Kuthaarebhyo namah/ followed by Chandiswara Puja be performed by reciting the Mantra: Om Chandiswaraya namah. After this ‘Vidhi Purvak’ (according the Procedure) puja, Maha Deva should receive ‘Arghya’comprising ‘Jal, Akshat, flowers etc.followed by Dhan, Dhupa, Deepa, and Naivedya as well as Ghanta (Bells) and ‘Vaadyadhwani’or sound of various musical instruments alongwith ‘Arathi’, Nritya, Sangeetha and Vadya, Stotras, Hymn Singing (Mantra Pushpam), Physical circling while standing and ‘Saashtanga Namaskars’ (prostrated greetings). Then the ‘Aparadha’ mantras are recited to seek forgiving of lapses in the Puja to say:
Mantra heenam, Kriya heena, Bhakti heenam Maheswara,
Yatpujitham maya Deva paripurnam thadasthutey,
Anaya Dhyanaavaahanadi Shodasopaachaara Pujaya Bhagavan Sarvaatmakah –
Supreetah Suprasanno varado bhavathu:
by so saying leave water and Akshathas in a plate and say again: Devatha Prasaadam Sirasa Grihnaami, Ethat Phalam Parameswaraarpana masthu, so saying take Pushpas and Akshatas on the Devotee’s head. Having explained the Sacred Procedure of Siva Puja to Karandhama, Mahakaal left for Siva Loka and those who would read this and more so perform the Puja as prescribed would attain Siva dhaam / Kailasa.