Eleven km from Karaikudi located at Tirupattur known for Tiruttalli Nathar Tevara Temple in Shivaganga Dt. the famous Pilliyarpati rock-cut cave Temple of Karpaga Vinayaka of 6 ft with his trunk hurled to the right side rather uncommonly, built by Pandya Kings in some 4th century; this ancient but excellently organised Temple is hailed as the Seat of Fulfillment drawing devotees from far of Places, also especially to the Naga Linga Parameshwara and Devi Katyayani desirous of ‘Santana’or progeny and ‘Vivaha’ respectively. Besides a ten day long festival coinciding with the Ganapati Chaturthi, all the Chaturthi Tithis year long are the major attractions at theTemple with fasts, special pujas and austerities, besides the Shiva Ratri and Nava Ratri Celebrations, apart from organising marriages in the presence of Katyayani Devi. Bhairava patti in a exclusive Temple to worship Lord Bhairava with daily Abhishekas and worships. This indeed is an uncommon feature where Lord Bharaiva is worshipped not as an accompaniment to Shivalayas but with exclusive attention like at Ujjain and Kashi, where Bhairavopasakas are specialists!
Tirukoshtham: Some 10km from Tirupattur on Trichy-Shiva Ganga highway, 50 km from Shiva Ganga and hadly 15-16 km from Karaikudi is Tirukoshtham where Tri Murtis conferred each other as to how to exterminate Hiranyakashipu and was also the birthplace of Nambi Andar the Preceptor of Ramanuja Acharya. More so, this hots the famed Tirukoshtyur Temple where Lord Perumal is worshipped in a four tier structure in distinct postures as Bhagavan Ktishna in dance form, Soumya Narayana as in shayana / reclining posture, Adheeshta Narayana and the final one as Paramapada natha.It was at the top tier that Ramanujacharya was administerd the Ashtakshari Mantra Namo Narayanaya namah by his Guru Nambi Adar in the presence of Swami Narasimmha. To learn this mantra, Ramaujacharya is stated to have visited 17 times from Srirangam but the Guru declined to meet him each time; as and when he knocked at the Guru’s door, he introduced himself as ‘Ramanuja has arrived’ but there was no response and finally on the 18th time he announced saying ‘ your beloved Ramanuja has arrived and the Guru opened the door. The legend is recalled that having conferred like wise at Ahobilam another famed Vaishnava Sthala for planning the termination of Hiranyaaksha by Vishnu’s ‘Varahavataara’in the past, this would be another ‘Goshti’ or serious discussion since Hiranyakshpu achieved the boon of non execution of a species of neither a man nor animal and not even a Deva. At the Goshthi finally it was decided that the Asura could be killed by a special species viz. Nara + Simha or Narasimha! Hence the solution arrived was that Hiranyakashipu could be killed despite the boon received by the demon. The festivals observed at the Temple are Chitrai Tiruvila (April-May), Maasi Magham (Feb-March) and Adipooram (July-Aug) each for 10 days.