While the seventh in the series of fourteen Manus viz.Vaiwaswata Manu is the current one, predictions about future Manus also were provided in the Puranas, especially the Markandeya Purana in detail. The Eighth Manu would be Saavarni, to be followed by Daksha Savarni, Brahma Saavar ni, Dharma Saavarni and Rudra Saavarni. There were vivid descriptions about the last two Manus as follows:
Ruchi Muni was unmarried and as a bachelor was not eligible to Agni Karyas. Pirtru Devatas appeared and lamented that they were unable to receive any contributions to them; only Grihastis could pronounce ‘Swaha’ to Agni and ‘Swadha’to satisfy Pitru Devatas and the Muni was disabled to satisfy the two other kinds of ‘Runas’ or indebtedness to Devas and ‘Atithis’ also. But Ruchi Muni argued with the Pitru Devatas that ‘Atma Samyam’ or Self-Control was essential to ‘Mukti’ or Salvation and that he would like to avoid the slush of Samsara or family life. Pitru Devas then advised Ruchi Muni that Vedas prescribed that Samsara was the natural ladder to Moksha and ‘Samyama’, ‘Niyama’ or Self Control and ‘Karma Phala’ or the fruits of duties and obligations were the steps of the ladder. The Pitru Devatas further instructed that what was controversial was not the institution of marriage but overcoming the limits of desire, decency and virtue and that Grihastya was the test of life! Convinced by the instruction of the Pitru Devatas, Ruchi Muni finally agreed to family life and performed Tapasya to Brahma; meanwhile Pitru Devatas located a suitable Apsara to wed the Muni and Brahma blessed him with a glorious son who would be the next Manu viz. Rouchya.
Sage Bhuti swas the ever-angry disciple of Angirasa Muni who was dreaded by even Devas. Surya Deva desisted from being too hot in his Ashram, and Vayu, Varuna and Chandra could ill-afford to display their extreme features. The Muni had no children and perhaps that was the cause of his frustration and temper. The responsibility of managing the affairs of the Sage’s Ashram was entrusted to one of his disciples named Shanti. Bhuti gave a special instruction to Shanti that there should be ‘Nityagni’ the Constant Fire in the Homa Kunda or the Fire-Pit. Shanti once went out to fetch ‘Samidhas’or twigs for the Homas as also flowers, fruits and other material for the Ashram, he returned late to the Ashram and to his utter dismay, the Nityagni was put off. Fortunately, Sage Bhuti was out to perform a Yagna to his elder brother’s Ashram as the latter too did not have a child. Shanti then prayed to Agni Deva without food for a week and the latter gave his appearance being pleased by his Stotras. Agni Deva was instantly materialised as ‘Nityaagni’ and he asked Shanti to choose any boon of his wish; Shanti requested for an illustrious son to his Guru. Agni was pleased with the selflessness of Shanti and granted the wish to bestow a glorious son to the Muni who would be a future Manu called Bhoutya; Agni also granted higher Lokas to Shanti.