This Dussaha, who lives in each and every household, is always angry, hungry, down-headed, mean-minded, and talks like a crow; he has a frightening face and crooked look. Brahma advised Dussaha to reform himself and control his temper and tongue, but Dussaha replied that he was unable to satisfy himself and was not able to check his thirst and gluttony; he prayed to Brahma to give him the boon of contentment and strength. Brahma gave certain tips to follow: ‘Patent weaknesses of human beings like passion, antagonism, greediness, arrogance, obsession and distrust are Dussaha’s strength; abscesses / blisters where flies or worms swarm around constitute his food; those stinking storage bins with filthy left overs of rotten food or private places of human residues are his dwelling places; houses where prostitution and gambling take place, and all kinds of sins are performed or encouraged are Dusshaha’s rest homes; contrarily where Vratas, Yagnas, Worships, Veda parayana and Prayers take place ought to be avioded by Dussaha since such hallowed areas should never be entered or even passed by! In short, the target areas where Dussaha should visit often or even stay for long are where all kinds of filth or filthy minds hatch evil deeds, but Dussaha’s glimpses or passings by to Places of virtue, tolerance, charities, invocations of Deities are a sheer waste of time and energy for him! Those houses where Chandan, Veena, or such other musical instruments are played, Mirrors are decorated, honey, milk and curds are aplenty are all Abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, Dussaha should never go any where around.Dussaha married Nirmayishtha, the daughter of Lord Yama and their progeny were eight sons-Dantaakrisht, Tathokti, Parivart, Angadhruk, Shakuni, Gandaantarati, Garbhaha and Sasyah and eight daughters-Niyojika, Virodhini, Swayamharakaari, Shraamani, Rutuharika, Smritahara, Bejahara and Vidveshini. The entire progeny of the Dussaha couple looked extremely frightening to the whole world. The manner in which the progeny of Dussaha could be pacified is stated as follows: The first son of Dussaha, Dantaakrisht, creates teething trouble to children and the way to subside the pain is to spread white ‘Sarason’ (mustard) seeds on the bed, give medicinal bath to the child, sing hymns of a Scripture, put a bone of a camel or a Gainda or let the child wear a silk dress to provide relief.The second son Tathokthi (literally meaning ‘be there only’ or be at the position of ‘Status Quo’) provides a path of stunted growth of human life; the remedy to convert a dull person to develop and activise the personality and vision is to extol Lord Brahma the Creator or the Family Deity on a daily basis by singing His hymns, perform worship and resort to acts of virtue. The third son Parivartak is in the bad habit of ‘narmagarbha bhashana’ (saying something and meaning something else) and the preventive / safeguard cure against such conversations is to spread white mustard around the self and/ or recite Rakshoghna Mantras. The fourth son Angadhruk provokes with exaggerated/ sensational Versions or provocation of words or actions (literally meaning shaking limbs/ body parts) to amuse the listeners and the remedy is to beat the victim’s body with kusha grass and recite Shanti Mantras. The fifth son Shakuni assumes the form of a crow, or a dog or an owl and indicates to a human being about the forthcoming Shubhaashubha suchana or an indication of good or bad omens and the remedy is to act upon the indication at once. The sixth son is Gandaantatrati who was born at the half a muhurat of Gandaantara or the fag-end of the termination of the Touch and Go of the Delivery time. The birth of a child at the critical juncture would indeed call for a ‘Shanti’ function, viz. Moola Nakshatra Shanti, Deva Stuti or Eulogy, Blessings of Brahmanas and bathing of Go-mutra or Urine of Cow besides white mustard seeds, worship of the Birth Star and the Ruling Planet at the time of the Delivery.The Seventh child was named ‘Garbhah’ who was fear-provoking and destructive; he tries to nip the embryo of early pregnancy. To ward off this risk, the parents have to recite the ‘Deva Kavachas’ like Durga Kavacha with piety and purity of hearts and wear appropriate precious stone rings and neck-laces. The eighth son of Dussaha has a malicious tendency of Dhanya Nashta (spoiling crops of foodgrains); the remedy is to keep old footwear or a ‘Drishti Figure’/ a scare crow in the paddy fields, ‘Chandala pravesha’ or making a Chandala’s entry in the fields, ‘Apasavya gaman’ or circling the farm area in reverse direction. Besides, giving away ‘Bali’ (Sacrifice; say of a goat) and recital of ‘Somaambu’ Mantra would safeguard the crops.
Dusshaha’s first daughter Niyojika seeks to involve human beings to resort to Parastree gaman and Paradravyaaharan (excites relationship with other’s wives and stealing other’s money); the safeguarding ‘Shanti’ procedure against her temptations is to resort to ‘Punya Grandha Paath’ or recite the contents of Holy Scriptures,refrain from krodha (anger) and kama (desire), abstain from criticising others and conversing with contempt and carelessness which leads to argument, loss of mental balance and finally the tendencies of money and desire of women.The second daughter Virodhini seeks to break good relations with near and dear ; she creates rifts and even breaks cordial relations with one’s wife / husband, parents, children, family members, friends, co-workers, and the public in general too. The procedure of bringing about peace, mutual confidence and understanding is to perform ‘Bali Karya’ (Sacrifice), and practise patience, puja and perseverance.The third daughter Kharihaan is bhojana vinaashini or spoils all the edible material like Anna (Foodgrains), Milk and milk products and all other edible products including fruits, oils, other cooking materials even to the extent of drying up the udders of milk-yielding cattle and breasts of mothers; she even prevents those from eating and encourages stealing. She also prevents from the organisation from propitious and auspicious deeds to take place in a righteous family. She is also the stealer of Pushparaga Coloured Cotton Sutra (neck lace) and thus is known as Svayamharini. The procedure of bringing about Peace at the various houses is to perform Agni homams and the sacred ash of the homas is to spray the bhasma in the vessels of milk and other sources of milk as also the storage places of various food materials. The fourth daughter of Dussaha named Shraamani creates unrest and excites to execute evil deeds. The remedy to overcome her wicked deeds is to spread out white Mustard seeds at the sitting and resting places of persons and recite ‘Bhumi Sukta’ praying Devi Bhumi. The fifth daughter Ritumati troubles womenfolk during the menses period and to overcome this difficulty Brahmanas must be approached to recite ‘Shanti Mantras’ after taking early morning ‘Snaans’ at Tirthas, Mandirs, Holy River ‘Sangamas’ (joining places); organise Pujas at Temples and of course ask Vaidyas to treat the affected persons. The sixth daughter Smritiharika prevails on human beings to lapse their memories and the remedy is to shift the affected persons to visit a picturesque Place of charm and tranquility. The seventh daughter Bijapahaarini ruins the union of husbands and wives, with special reference to young couple; the remedy is to perform ‘Graha Shanti’ and Brahmana Puja and charities. The last eighth daughter of Dussaha named Dveshini instigates hatred among men and women and remedy is to perform the Mitravinda Yagna by offering honey, milk and curd-tila mix in the Agnihotra so that mutual revulsion of men and women is softened.
Similarly, Dussaha’s grand children numbered thirty eight: Dantakrishta had two girls viz. Vijalpa or Niraadara Midhya and Kalaha or quarrelsome; the second son Tathoktika had a son called Kaalajimha who gives considerable difficulty to the son of that woman whose tongue is affected by Kaalajimha. Parivrat had two sons, Virup and Vikrut who trouble pregnant women since they would have problems of delivery unless they avoid trees, mountain valleys, river /sea beds, and within four walls of residences. Angadhrik had a son named Pishun who enters the bone marrows of Agyan (ignorant) persons and gradually eats the same. Shakuni had five children viz. Syen, Kaak, Kapoth, Grudhra and Uluk and the following entities rule over the respective children viz. Mrityu, Kaal, Yama, Vyadhi, and Naikruti. In order to ensure ‘Atmaraksha’ or Safety of the Self, ‘Shanti karyas’ or Tasks for Propitiation or reducing adverse effects must be performed. Gandaprantarati had six sons who reside in the womb of women known as Chatvaaryahani (First four days), Trayodasam, Ekadasham, Shraaddhadin, Dinaanta, and Parvadin (these are the days of Union of man and woman). Garbhahanthu had two Issues viz. Vighna (a boy) who eats into pregnancies and Mohini (who torments pregnant women in the forms of snake, frog, scorpion or tortoise). Sasyahantak had a son called Kshudra, whose impact is felt if suitable days are not observed at the commencement of the farming of the paddy fields. In respect of all the grandchildren of Dussaha by his sons, remedies to escape the ill-effects that the grand children give away have been all prescribed.
The adverse effects of Dusshaha’s grand children by his daughters too were clear. The first daughter Nijojika had four girls viz. Prachodika who enters human psyche in the garb of virtues but resulting in patent vices, viz. Adharma under the cover of Dharma, Akama in the cover of Kama, Anartha in the clothing of Artha and Amoksha in the pretext of Moksha.The second daughter Virodhini had three sons viz. Chodak, Graahak and Tamah Pracchhaadak; Chodak enters human residences to encourage the spread of evil and Tamah Pracchhadak occupies the mental thinking by way of extreme anger covered by darkness. The third daughter Swayamhaari had three sons, viz. Sarvaahari, Arthaahaari and Viryaahaari who enter the houses of those human beings who have no respect for Dharma (Virtue) and its practice. Shraamani begot a son named Kakajangha who enters the houses of those who sing, dance or converse and those who resort to bed with women in the Sandhya timings; such houses that are soft targets of Kakajangha would never have mental peace. During the rithukaal (menses period), Harini begot three daughters viz. Kuchahara, Vyanjanaharika and Jaatahaarini. A girl whose wedding is scheduled on a specific day but takes place an another date shrinks her chest and is known as Kuchahara; a girl who is wedded without performing puja to her mother is known as Vyanjanaharika; and Jaataharini is she who steals a child from the ‘prasuta griha’ (birth place) and keeps another baby in exchange is called Jaataharini; the son so born was Prachanda. Smritiharini the sixth daughter of Dussaha arranges the birth of chandala ‘putras’ (sons) who were born to persons in a vesya’s house and they forgot all about the birth of the chandalas. Another daughter of Dussaha, Bijaapahaarini assumes the task of stealing the semen of man and begot two daughters Vatarupa and Arupa; the former has the tendency to pass on venereal diseases to the illegal suitors and the latter passes on debility.Finally, the eighth daughter of Dussaha viz. Vidveshini begot two sons viz. Chapal and Papachari who have the influence on human beings who are prone to cheap and wily attractions and addicts to sinful activities. Indeed, there are cures and remedies -both physiological and spiritual- that do exist. All the same, the inimitable (though vicious) role that Dussaha has in the daily behaviour pattern of the entire humanity is unquestioned!