
Ardhanarishvara, Bangkok

The Ardhanariswar is another significant manifestation of Bhagavan. When Lord Brahma was faced with a major limitation in the context of Creation of various species including human beings and the process of creation was extremely slow, since Brahma had to… Continue Reading

Ashta Murtis

While many Incarnations of Siva are cited, the most significant additions to the Pancha Mukhas or Five Faces of Siva are described as Ashta Murtis (Eight Idols) viz. Sharva, Bhava, Rudra, Ugra, Bhima, Pasupati, Isana, Maha Deva. Bhava, Rudra and… Continue Reading


Finally, Easana facing South East is Sada Siva who is Eternal, Omni Potent and Omni Present. The Prayer to Him states: Esanassarva Vidyanam Eswarassarva Bhootanam Brahmadhi patir Brahmanodhi pathir Brahma Sivemo astuh Sada Sivom!


Tatpurusha is the Eastward incarnation of Maha Siva being of yellow complexion and of deluded or misled Purusha. Invocation to Tatpurusha states: Tat Purushaya vidmahe Maha Devaaya dhimahi tanno Rudrah Prachodayaath. Salutation to this aspect of Siva is: Vande Siddha… Continue Reading


Siva’s incarnation of Aghoresha looks South and of blue complexion representing destructive/ regenerative energy and Invocation to Siva states: Aghorebhyo thagorebhyo ghora ghoratarebhyaha/ Sarvebhyassarva sarvebhyo namasthe astu Rudra rupebhyah. The sons of Aghora Siva are Krishna, Krishna Sikha, Krishna Mukha… Continue Reading


The Vamadeva incarnation of Siva has red complexion, looks Northward in deep meditative posture and is along with four sons created from His physique viz. Viraj, Vivah, Vishok and Visvabhavan for blessing Lord Brahma to preserve and heal the objects… Continue Reading


The Sadyojata incarnation of Bhagavan in white colour was to bless Lord Brahma to initiate the process of ‘Srishti’(Creation), looking Westward and the Invocation of relevance is: Sadyojatam prapadyaami Sadyojathaayavai namo namah/ bhavey bhaveynaati bhavebhasvamaam Bhavodbhavayanamah/ From the body of… Continue Reading